Press Line

High quality products based on
high quality material and service.

Robot Line

Middle size robot line having 300 ton

volume is producing Plate Rear parts

supplying to LG electronics fridge line.

Plate Rear

Shuttle Line

Middle size Shuttle line having 250

ton and 200 ton volume is producing

Comp Base parts supplying to LG electronics fridge line.

Comp Base

D Line

Roll forming is continuous process to

make material cross section to

designed shape through passing

various rollers.

Shuttle Line

Middle size Shuttle line having 200

ton and 150 ton volume is producing

Reinforce and Cover Machinery parts

supplying to LG electronics fridge line.

Pro Die

Press machine specialized in

Progressive process is producing

Bracket and Supporter parts supplying

to LG electronics fridge line.

*Feeder Spec : DaeSung TPA 0.8~

Press machine controlling

conveniently is producing middle and

small size of Pro parts.

*Feeder Spec : Mpine 0.8~

KUKIL PCS-Series is Crank Shaft Type of Power Press. Its press frame has high stiffness and be able to be used in various fields

Production Goods

Tray Drain

Tray for draining
water of fridge

Supporter Case

Preventing I/Case
to be deformed

Base Comp

Support fixture
for machine room
of fridge

CRF(Cold Roll Forming) 15 steps

Automatic process forming machine. Faster to machine and less process than press machining

Welding Machine

We have 2 machines of 100 KVA and 2 of 75 KVA to welding fridge parts.
Welding defect is able to be minimized by S.C.R. used in main keying circuit.

Welding Machine(4 machines of 100 KVA)

Specialized in welding Base Compressor and Stand Comp